30 days to a better you. 

Set a Goal - Make a Plan - Take Action. 

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Hey there! I'm Lindsay

Ready to start really living your best life? Then you're in the right place. 

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Don't wait another day to

invest in you. 


If the idea of doing one more thing, makes you want to scream, you're not alone. If the thought of changing anything in your life feels more exhausting than holding steady, that's ok. I get it. You're not ready. It's not your time - yet.  For you my dear friend, take a minute, take a nap, take a breath and stop worrying about trying to look, feel or be better. You're doing just fine and you will get through to the other side. 

BUT if you're tired of living the way you've been living, overthinking what you should be doing, and you're ready to rediscover the part of you that makes you feel alive  - then you are in the right place. 

This is the first step. It's a start to understanding what's right for you, what's going to work for you; what action will move the needle forward for you. It's not a perfect solution, it's a step in the right direction.

One Month One Goal: lose weight, write a book, start a business, change careers, move to a new city, learn a language, find more meaning, eat more veggies, save a river, make a movie, heal the planet - what's your first step?

Which idea, dream or goal tickles you, makes you squirm a little or creates a pit-of-the stomach response that makes you feel uncomfortable? This my friend, is where you should start. 

Which feels more exhausting - doing nothing about the pain you are feeling in your physical, emotional or spiritual life or taking one step?

It's time to get started. 



You want to make a change. 

It could be anything; your eating habits, your exercise habits, taking a new course or completing a project. It could be meditating, connecting with your family or just taking 10 minutes in your day for you. 

It could be anything, or everything. 

Trying to lose weight after a first, second or third child.Trying to launch an online course. Write a book. Eat healthier. Be a mom. Stay married. Play with your kids. Be a good neighbour. Take your vitamins. Don’t get old. Meditate. Exfoliate. floss. Learn to dance. Sing one song like a rockstar. Cook new foods. Build a tiny house with your kids. Switch to solar energy. Find a style. Finish a reno. Earn more money. Change your career. Start your own business. Play the guitar -

Anything or everything.

The problem is you don’t know where to start. 

You want to make too many changes in too many areas of your life and when it all feels like too much, you end up doing nothing. 

Doing nothing feels crappy - and safe.


So you stay stuck because it’s easier.

It’s easier than trying and failing. It’s easier to believe that changing one small thing won’t make a difference. It's easier than facing the truth that you're not where you want to be at this point in your life. It's easier to believe that it's just not in the cards for you. 


I get it. This was me.

Hi I'm Heather. This was me in a 1000 different ways on a 1000 different days. I stayed stuck because it was easier. Or because it wasn’t the right time. Or because it was too hard to move forward. I had a lot of excuses for not changing. And that was okay - until it wasn't. Until I was exhausted by my own excuses. Until I decided I was ready to do something. Until I could say, “I hate this more than I hate the thing that is making me miserable. 


Until being stuck started to feel way worse than taking action.

Even if you take the tiniest step. You will feel in-charge. You will believe you have a choice.

You will feel better. 


The plan is simple. 

1. Pick one thing. 

2. Set a goal

3 Do it for 30 days. 

That’s it. 


I will help you. 

Every step of the way. (I'll even help you decide what goal to pick.)


I've coached 1000's of people to create change that matters.

From the smallest goal to the 'get-the-fuck-outta-here' you did that? kind of stuff.


Before you start - read this please.

Don’t do this because someone else wants you to. Fuck what other people think.

Don’t do this because you think you should. Fuck shoulds.

Don’t do this for any other reason than you’re ready to stop the pain of not doing something and you're ready to make a change - ready to take the first step, perform even the smallest action to make your life better. 


Pick one focus.

Take one step. 

Do it for 30 days. 


Do this because what you’re doing isn’t working. 

Do this because you’re ready. 

Do this for you. 



Life isn't waiting for you to be ready. It doesn't care.

I do.

I’m here when you're ready.


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How Do I Get Started?


Creative Tools

Beautiful resources that you're going to love using. 


Like taking photos? So do I! Let's create some killer visuals.

Brand Building

Showcase your authenticity, without the gimmicks.

Ready to get started?

Today is the day! Let's do this!

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