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Number one reason people succeed at a goal.

30 days action change your life easy goals goal fail goal setting habits success taking action on your goals why people fail at their goals Mar 21, 2021

The #1 reason people succeed at their goal is because they take consistent action.


Most people get stuck somewhere between thinking about doing something and actually getting that thing done.

"Taking action is the single biggest determining factor for success at everything in life." hk.


Where are you on the scale of 1-3?

On the scale of thinking about changing your life, to getting shit done, there is nothing more effective than taking action.

  1. ALL PEOPLE think about things. If you're thinking, wishing or dreaming about a goal - Congratulations this is the first step to success. Unfortunately none of these actions will result in achieving a tangible result.
  2. SOME PEOPLE write or say their things. If you've written a list, told a friend, or detailed your vision on paper, congratulations you have taken a giant step in the right direction! Declaring your vision to the world (or your best friend), all require more energy than thinking about what you want. BUT without action your vision will be cast adrift in the wasteland of good intentions.
  3. A FEW PEOPLE do their things. If you've started calling, booking, planning, creating, training, or practicing your vision, congratulations you're on your way to achieving success!  When you complete actions consistently - you get results.


Your chances of success are ZERO if you never get past step #2.


"But Heather, I've taken lots of action and still haven't reached my goal?"

I hear you.

Understanding what you want, why you want it and how you are going to get it is simple but not always easy. The more you practice the process, the better and faster you get at setting the right goal for you, avoiding the pitfalls that keep you stuck and getting the results you want.


We are hard-wired to conserve energy, stay safe and remain in our status quo. But we are equally hard-wired to explore, learn and challenge our limits.

These are conflicting behaviours in our human evolution.

  • Explore but stay safe.
  • Learn but stay secure.
  • Adventure but stay alive.

Each of us has a baseline for what puts us outside our comfort zone. For some, it's sharing what we are planning on doing, for other's it's taking action that feels hard or uncomfortable. You may be stuck at any point in the process from figuring out where to start to being accountable to taking daily action. 


Where are you stuck? One Month One Goal will help you get through the step that is keeping you from getting results. 

Ready to get started? 

Need help narrowing it down?

Click here for the 100 most popular goals and my free mini-course to help you take the first step.




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