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Number one reason people fail to achieve a goal.

30 days change your life easy goals goal fail goal setting goals goals are easy habits should you set a goal success why people fail at their goals Mar 21, 2021


Because it's not their goal.

Setting a goal you believe you "should" do to please anyone other than yourself is the chart topper when it comes to not getting results.


People fail at achieving goals for all kinds of reasons.

  • The goal wasn't specific enough.
  • The goal didn't have a timeline.
  • The goal was too hard.
  • The goal was too easy.

But the biggest reason people fail at achieving their goal, is the goal wasn't their's in the first place.

  1. It had no legs.
  2. It had no spine.
  3. And it definitely had no heart.

When your mother, father, brother, lover or significant other - thinks something would be good for you - run away. That's their goal. That's their desire. That's their projection onto you.

Fuck off to all goals that come from somewhere or someone other than you.

 Weight loss - possibly one of the hardest goals to tackle with the greatest chance for failure - but everyone wants to do it. Why? Because they believe they should look a certain way based on our messed up media influence. An ideal that isn't yours or isn't possible.

But Heather - I want to lose weight to feel better for me! Good, that's a start. It can only be about you. When you add an additional sentence like, 'This goal is for me because...I feel powerful when I workout or because I want to be able to play soccer with my kids," now you're talking about a goal that is about you and for you.

 There are a million goals to choose from. If you want to succeed, you have to start with:

  1. A goal that means something to you.
  2. A goal that gets you excited.
  3. A goal that is YOURS!

 Whether it's picking a goal, taking action or getting clear on your 'why', One Month~One Goal will help you pinpoint where you are stuck and get you moving forward.

Ready to get started? 

 Need help narrowing it down?

Click here for the 100 most popular goals and my free mini-course about choosing the right focus.











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